Tuesday, December 19, 2006
ABC MeMe - Tagged by Chelle!
The Letter A
Are you agnostic? No, I definitely am not!
What is your age? I'm still a young I think, 26.
What annoys you? People that are insensitive and rude to others.

The Letter B
Do you like bacon? Yes, but I don't eat. (I just can't bring myself to eat all that fat)
What is your birthday? July 25....the most wonderful day of the year! :)
Who is your best friend? I know some people may think my answer is sappy but I can honestly say my husband, Jeremy.

The Letter C
What is your favorite candy? I love gummie bears and really anything that is fruity.
Who is your crush? I would say that my celebrity crush has always been George Clooney. He's just so handsome.
When was the last time you cried? Whenever I think about Jeremy deploying to the war, I start to cry. The last time it was on my mind was this morning.

The Letter D
Do you daydream? Yes, I always daydream about having a horse and riding on it in a huge field.
What is your favorite kind of dog? My favorite dog that I had was our rottweiler....he was such a sweetheart.
What day of the week is it? Tuesday

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs? The only way I will eat an egg is scrambled and they can't be runny.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Yep, in October, I had a horrible ear infection.
What’s the easiest thing to ever do? I would say sleeping but since I have such a hard time sleeping, I can't really say that. I think then it's putting food in my mouth...that's the easiest thing for me to do and watch t.v. :)

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yep, many times.
Do you use fly swatters? I've used one before when I was a kid, but I don't own one now. My cats now eat all the flies that get into our house, so I don't have to worry about it.
Have you ever used a foghorn? You will all think I am weird, but what is a foghorn?

The Letter G
Do you chew gum? I have to have a piece of gum in my mouth almost all the time.
Are you a giver or taker? Aren't we all both....I mean I like taking things but I also love to give back too.

The Letter H
How are you? I'm doing good, but I am a bit disappointed because there isn't any snow here in Michigan. It may snow this weekend so I will keep my fingers crossed.
What’s your height? 5'4 I'm a shorty.
What color is your hair? It's dark brown and I naturally have some red tones in my hair also.

The Letter I
What is your favorite ice-cream? Strawberry
Have you ever ice-skated? Yes, but I always fall on my butt.
Do you play an instrument? No, I avoided playing throughout my childhood. My mom used to threaten me that she was going to make me learn the organ!! Ick!!! The organ???

The Letter J
What is your favorite jelly bean? I like them all!!
Do you wear jewelry? I love jewelry but I don't find myself wearing much. I always have my beautiful 2 karat wedding ring on me. I cherish that ring!
Have you heard a really hilarious joke? I probably have but I'm not good at remembering or telling jokes.

The Letter K
Who do you want to kill? That is just a horrible question. I'm not a violent person so that isn't appropriate for me.
Do you want kids? Jer and I have been talking about it, but I think we are going to wait a few more years.
Where did you have kindergarten? Santa Clara, CA. My teacher was Mrs. Gardner. I cried alot in class....I was always so sensitive.

The Letter L
Are you laid-back? I think I'm laid back with most things, but there are times when things get me all stressed out. Jer is sooo laid back....he levels me out when I need to be.
Do you lie? I try not to because it is wrong, but I have told lies before.
Do you love anyone? Yes, I have my chosen few! :)

The Letter M
What is your favorite movie? That is hard because you have to pick one and I just can't do that. I love old movies and romantic comedies.
Do you still watch Disney movies? My aunt bought me The Little Mermaid for Christmas and I was so excited. I loved that movie when I was a girl so yes, I still watch Disney movies.
Do you like mangos? I don't think I've ever had a piece of mango before.

The Letter N
Do you have a nickname? Gracie Pooch (my uncle has called me that since I was a baby)
What is your favorite number? 3 I don't know why, but I like the number 3.
Do you prefer night or day? I like nights much more because Jer is home with me most of the time, so we always watch Sienfield together and laugh our butts off.

The Letter O
What is your one wish? I want a horse someday!
Are you an only child? No, I have one brother.
Do you wish this year was over? No because it just means time is flying by too quickly and my Jer will soon be leaving.

The Letter P
What is one fear that you are most paranoid about? Being raped. I carry mace with me everywhere I go.
What personality trait would you look for in someone you wanted to date? When I was dating Jer, I was looking for kindheartedness, integrity, a Christian man, and someone who could make me smile and laugh.

The Letter Q
Are you quick to judge people? I honestly try not to judge. I had so many people that judged me and my family that I was completely turned off by the way their judgmental looks and things they would say. I think because of that experience I am kind and try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

The Letter R
Do you think you are always right? No, many times I doubt myself, but sometimes I do know I am right and when I do, I usually don't back down.
Do you watch reality T.V.? America's Top Model
What is a good reason to cry? Whenever you feel like you need to. One should never keep their feelings bottled up inside.

The Letter S
Do you prefer sun or rain? I like the sun because cold is usually associated with rain, and I love being warm and toasty in the sun.
Do you like snow? I like it but I don't want to live in it! I only want it for Christmas day!

Letter T
What time is it? It is 6:30 p.m.
What time did you wake up? I woke up a little before 7 a.m.
When was the last time you slept in a tent? The last time I was in a tent was when I was 15 and we were camping on some beach in FL. My dad wanted to save money so instead of getting a hotel room, he made us stay in a tent on the beach in the middle of the summer in Florida. None of us got any sleep because it was so hot and humid. My mom was livid with my dad. In the middle of the night, we all got up and moved our tents to an area where the breeze was slightly blowing, but it really didn't help. My dad still gets razzed about that to this day.

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear? If a thong is considered underwear then yes but no granny panties. LOL!

The Letter V
What is the worst veggie? Mushrooms!
Where do you want to go on vacation? England and Paris!!
What was your last family vacation together? This past August Jer and I visited my family in CA.

The Letter W
What is your worst habit? I bite my nails.
Where do you live? At this point of time, we are in South Carolina. In four months it will be somewhere else but we don't know where yet.

The Letter X
Have you ever had an X-ray? Yes
Have you ever seen the X-Games? What are X-Games?? Seriously, I don't know.
Do you own a xylophone? Who would own that? Not me.

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow? It's okay I guess.
What year were you born in? 1980.
What do you yearn for most? For time to stand still but that is just wishful thinking.

The Letter Z
What is your Zodiac Sign? It's Leo.
Do you believe in the Zodiac? Nah, I think it's pretty silly stuff.
What is your favorite zoo animal? I love so many of the animals that I don't really have a favorite one, but if I have to pick, I think the lions are just the most powerful and extraordinary animals!
posted by Gracey at Tuesday, December 19, 2006 -
  • At 12/20/2006 4:36 PM, Blogger Kell said…

    Hey, I have dark brown hair with red tones, too. But mine aren't natural ;-)

    Great answers. I'm going to do this after the holidays when I have some time to think about it.

  • At 12/20/2006 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm with you on the bacon thing- but my son thinks it's one of the major food groups!

    Have a wonderful Christmas. :-)

  • At 12/20/2006 7:12 PM, Blogger FishFam said…

    I could really relate to alot of your answers...especially the fear one. That is a big fear of mine too.
    Glad to see you have time to get on the computer while on your trip :)

  • At 12/21/2006 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I remember 1989 with entirely too much clarity to be completely comfortable with this. ;) LOL

  • At 12/21/2006 12:24 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    This is a great meme. Great answers. I'm gonna do this next week sometime. I'm working on my answers off and on when I get time.

    Have a great Christmas Gracey!!!

  • At 12/21/2006 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great answers, Gracey! They were fun to read!


  • At 12/23/2006 6:26 AM, Blogger FishFam said…

    Merry Christmas Gracey! Hope you are having fun on your trip. Have a safe trip home.

  • At 12/26/2006 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just love reading these, they are so much fun and you learn the most interesting things about people.

    I hope you had a great holiday!

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Gracey's Space
Name: Gracey
Home: United States
About Me: Welcom to my site! This is a place for me to write from day to day or sometimes from week to week. It just depends what is happening in my life. Please stay as long as you'd like and hope to hear from you soon as well!
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