Tuesday, December 05, 2006
The Nativity Story
What an amazing movie this was! I sat in the theater crying, not tears of sadness but tears of joy. I know not all my readers have faith in Jesus Christ and you may even be skeptical about how a virgin could have conceived. It was a miracle and it takes faith to believe. I can't comprehend it because my mind cannot wrap around the whole thing, but I have the faith in what I have learned in my childhood and what I keep learning as an adult.

More often than not, I only think of Christ as the man, not the child. I wish the Bible had more stories of when Christ was a child. How did he act? He was a human but he was also God! It's just too wild to comprehend but I have the faith to believe in it. How did Mary and Joseph know that he was more than a child? I know they knew from the beginning, but when did it really sink in when they were raising Him? Someday I will be able to take a long stroll with Mary and be able to ask the questions that I have always wondered. What an awesome day that will be when I not only get to see my Saviour but I also get to see Mary, Joseph, Esther, Ruth, David, and so many others.

I also wonder what a woman this Mary must have been that God had chosen her. The Bible described King David as a man after God's own heart, and I believe that Mary must have been exactly that way too. I'm sure she had her doubts and worries, but I believe when she was told by the angel that she was going to bear a child even though she was a virgin, she had the faith to accept what was told to her. I can't imagine how scared she probably was, especially knowing that she could be put to death since people would think she had committed adultry against Joseph who she was betrothed to. She may have been scared but she kept the faith and she clung to the words of the angel.

It makes me want to strive to be a woman of faith like Mary. I know my husband will be sent to the war within the year and I struggle daily with this. There is no promise from God that Jeremy will be kept safe. There is only hope and faith that God will see him through during that time. And what if, heaven forbid, God allows my husband to die? I pray for the strength that my Saviour will hold me close in His arms and renew my faith on a daily basis. I don't believe I could live through this life without the belief that my God will take care of me always. He's always shown His power through different times of my life, and I will put my trust in Him as Mary once did that day thousands of years ago.
posted by Gracey at Tuesday, December 05, 2006 -
  • At 12/05/2006 9:29 AM, Blogger Jay said…

    It looks like a really powerful and awesome movie. I don't normally go to movies at the theater cause I hate the crowds and stuff. But I've thought about going to that movie.

  • At 12/06/2006 9:10 AM, Blogger Gracey said…

    Jay: You should definitely go and see it. It is worth the cost of the movie ticket, the crowds, and all that stuff. It's really wonderful!

    Dad: You're too funny!....Amen!

    Chelle: Isn't it just like us humans to fret and worry about things? I know you are right and you are already living it. I may need your encouragement when the time comes....actually, I know I will need it.

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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
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