Monday, November 20, 2006
Shattered Dreams
I normally do not like to write about subjects that are sad, but I just can't get this out of my mind. Last night I was surfing different blogs and stumbled on one that was so full of sadness that I just cried for this family that I do not even know. I believe it must have been the wife's blog, but the husband was writing on it because his wife of ten years had died three days ago of some strange illness. What really struck me was this woman was only 4 years older than me. She left behind three little boys and a grieve stricken husband. He wrote that he was going to be making funeral arrangements this morning. I got up this morning thinking about him and his boys and what a horrible task they had to face this morning. I said a prayer for them and I don't even know their names. It really makes me think of how precious our lives are and really at the same time insignificant to a degree. One day we are here; the next we may not be. Doesn't it just make you think? If it doesn't, you really should examine your life!

I think the Bible puts it the best from James 4:14 "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." This verse reminds me well that we all have a certain amount of time that we have on earth and it reminds me to cherish each second, minute, and hour that I have with my loved ones.

Not to sound morbid or anything but death is something that is in the back of my mind because I have a husband that could be sent to war at any time. I try not to dwell on the fact that he could be killed by someone who cares nothing for a human life, who will at anytime kill innocent people of their own nationality and country. I don't understand war and destruction only that it is the deprivation of man.

Sometimes I catch myself getting upset at Jeremy for something small and insignificant and then it's at these times that I scold myself because who says I'm going to have this man by my side tomorrow? We do not have the promise of tomorrow, so I urge each one of you to tell the people that you love that you do love them and live each day like it is your last or their last day. I can guarantee that the man in that blog that I read last night wishes he had just one more day!
posted by Gracey at Monday, November 20, 2006 -
  • At 11/20/2006 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very well said. And I have been thinking much the same thoughts after following AT's ordeal.

    I pray that, as much as I support what we are doing in Iraq, it will be over soon. I have been in Jeremy's shoes (or boots, rather) and would never wish that separation on anyone.

    BTW, I am a bit late for Veterans' Day, but please relay my gratitude to Jeremy for his service.

  • At 11/20/2006 1:01 PM, Blogger Gracey said…

    Oddmix: Thanks so much for your encouraging words and I will be sure to tell my husband of your gratitude of his service. I can't wait for this war to be over too!!

  • At 11/20/2006 3:10 PM, Blogger Reforming Baptist said…

    good thoughts. A few times I have driven by a fatal accident and it just ruins my day. I think about how that person got up in the morning to go about his usual routine, never imagining that he'd never return to see anyone he loves again. Even worse, most likely the person is not a believer and has no hope after death. Charish life and your loved ones, and go after the lost souls of those around never know when they're time will be...or our own.

  • At 11/21/2006 7:45 AM, Blogger Gracey said…

    I was exploring other people's blog on your page that I've never looked at and happened across Oddmix's blog and there was something about this other guy's wife going through some weird illness so I thought I would search it out, out of curiousity and that is when I saw that she passed away a few days ago. Very sad!

  • At 11/21/2006 12:46 PM, Blogger Tink said…

    I was just telling Hoop the other day what my blog password was just in case something happened to me. It's morbid, yes. But it's a natural thought process. Things live (well, hopefully) and they die (old, preferably). The trick is to love completely and appreciate everything as if it were our only chance to.

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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
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