Monday, November 06, 2006
Writer's Block
I'm having a hard time thinking of what to write mind is preoccupied with other concerns at this moment, so thought I would do another Meme (as Chelle and others call it)

What is your height? 5'4.....I'm a shorty

What is your eye color? I think it's more on the side of hazel.

What are the color of your socks that you are wearing? Anyone that knows me knows that I'm barefoot right now. When I'm home and if it's warm enough, definitely no socks for me!

What does your hair look like right now? I'm glad I did it before I saw you all today. :) It's down right now and curly.

Have you ever bobbed for an apple? I have this distant memory of doing it when I was a little kid, but I'm not really for sure about that one.

Have you ever told someone you loved them? Yes, of course...what a silly question!

Have you told someone that you loved them and didn't mean it? No, I'm not a good liar....anyone would be able to tell if I was lying through my voice and tone.

What is your earliest memory? My earliest memory is sitting on the kitchen chair crying my eyes out because I thought my brother was going to go to jail for stealing. I think I was only three at the time and my brother was six. My dad was a police officer so he taught my brother a lesson by handcuffing him and telling him that thieves went to jail. It sure made an impression on me and I never ever tried to steal a thing!

What is your happiest memory? I've written about this before but again, my happiest memories were when all our family was together in AZ and my grandma was alive then.

What was your proudest moment? It was crossing the stage to get my bachelor's degree. I was the second person in my family to graduate college and I was proud of myself because I knew my parents were proud the most.

What is your greatest weakness? Keeping on an exercise regimen. I start off doing it for weeks and months but then something happens I stop. It's seems to always be on and then off again. I'm trying really hard to change that. So far so good!

What is your favorite food? I think I've answered this one before, and it's so hard to choose. I think really good pizza and Mexican food.

What is your bedtime? If I'm not having an episode of insomnia, it would be around 9:30 - 10:30.

What is your favorite TV show? I love all the CSI's....NY, Miami, and Las Vegas.

What is your favorite song? I don't really have a favorite song....I love music but I don't have favorites.

What is your scariest experience? I have had one really scary thing that happened when I was a kid and it's something that I can see so clearly in my mind as if it was yesterday. We were at my grandparent's house and I believe we had just eaten. My grandma and mom wanted to take a walk around the neighborhood so I went with them. It was still light outside but it was starting to get dark. As we were walking along another block we noticed this guy following us and it seemed he kept getting closer and would never pass us just kept lurking behind us. I remember my mom and grandma getting nervous and we kept picking up our speed and when we did so did the guy. It finally came to a point that we starting running to get back home and this guy chased us for awhile and I just remember practically being dragged and I was turning around seeing him running after us. He finally stopped and we got back safely to the house. That had a lasting impression on me and I have always been a bit paranoid and am always looking over my shoulder when I'm out by myself or even with friends.

What do you fear? Honestly, the thing that freaks me out is being a victim to rape. I've been scared of that since I was a teenager and I think that is why I'm very cautious when I'm out. I don't take risks and I don't go out without some type of protection. If I did find myself in that situation, I would fight with all my strength and if that meant I fight to my death, then so be it. I won't go out without a fight that is for sure!! If I was able to get away, I would hunt that person down even if it took a lifetime.

How many pets did you have as a child? I don't even think I can count on one hand. We had a lot of pets throughout my childhood. Cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, and lizards. (not all at the same time)
posted by Gracey at Monday, November 06, 2006 -
  • At 11/06/2006 1:17 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    That being followed by some freak would be pretty scary. All kinds of weirdos out there.

    cool meme though, interesting answers

  • At 11/06/2006 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gracey's fans:

    I can personnaly attest that, since moving to South Carolina, Gracey has been working out like a fiend, and is therefore conquering her weakness! She works out 5 days a week, sometimes 6 days a week. She's always told me that if she had her own equipment, that she'd work out all the time. I always thought, "Yeah right...just like the millions of Americans who own a bowflex or treadmill and never use them!" But, now that she has access to community equipment about a block away from our apartment, she's really impressed me with her dedication!

    Plus, she's hotter than ever!


  • At 11/07/2006 6:39 AM, Blogger Gracey said…

    Jay: There are tons of freaks out there, that's why I'm so cautious. I didn't finish the whole meme cuz I didn't have time.

    Jeremy: Thanks for encouraging and helping me be motivated to keep up the workouts. You have great self discipline...maybe I should have gone into the military to get more of it. Nah, I would have never survived all that yelling. I would have cried like a baby! :)

  • At 11/07/2006 7:31 AM, Blogger Gracey said…

    Chelle: I'm tough to an should hear them yell. It's downright intimidating and they are all up in your face. Once the first and second layer of my toughness is punctured, I'll melt down. Yes, I am weak. lol! :)

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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
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