Thursday, November 02, 2006
Thursday Thirteen - 13 Things I Would Like To Do Before I Die
1. I would like to adopt a child someday. I've always thought why bring another one in the world when there are so many that need loving homes already.

2. I would like to take a trip to India to visit my "sponsor child". By the time I get over there, she will probably be all grown up.

3. I would like to go on a gigantic shopping spree and not have to think about going to Ross or Marshalls to shop. :) (this is one of my selfish requests)

4. I would like to learn how to cook without having to use measuring cups and spoons....I want to be like Rachael Ray and "eyeball" everything and for the food to turn out wonderful.

5. I would like to have a horse someday. It's been a childhood dream of mine.

6. I guess before I have that horse someday, I would like to learn how to ride a horse. :)

7. I would like to get allergy shots someday. Doctors hate to send anyone to an allergist and I really need one!!! I pop a Benadryl or two in my mouth every night because of my allergies.

8. I would absolutely love to have a rescue establishment setup for injured animals and be able to help nurse them back to health. (except I don't really like reptiles such as snakes. Someone else will have to nurse them back to health) :)

9. I would like to live near family someday especially if I have kids. I don't know if this will ever happen since we are part of the military family.

10. I determinely want to go to England before I die. I want to go through the castles and meet the queen!! I would have preferred to meet Princess Diana but since that won't happen, I'll settle for the queen or better yet how about Prince William! :)

11. I would like to take photography classes someday. (I just need the money to buy a nice camera I guess)

12. These 13 things to list are hard...I'm struggling here. Let's see, I would like to have the guts it takes to jump out of a plane. I just don't believe I ever will be able to do this one.

13. I would like to be good at math. I have struggled my whole life on that subject, and I sometimes feel dumb now as an adult because I just don't get that subject at all. (I definitely will not be the one helping the kids with it...they would all flunk!)
posted by Gracey at Thursday, November 02, 2006 -
  • At 11/02/2006 7:46 AM, Blogger Jay said…

    Those are all very worthy things to aspire to. I would like to do a lot of the same things.

  • At 11/02/2006 1:20 PM, Blogger Tink said…

    Most people wish for money or fame. You wish to adopt a kid, meet the queen, and open a clinic for animals. You've officially reached saint status in my world. ;)

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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
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