Saturday, November 04, 2006
The Day At The Zoo
I will definitely post pictures later, but thought I would write first about our day at the zoo. Jer's mom and stepdad are in town and they brought Jer's 4-year old nephew along with them too. Since you have a small kid around, the smartiest thing to do is to do something kid friendly. The best option is always the zoo. They get to run around freely (except near the alligators), and they get to tucker themselves out so they sleep all afternoon when you get home!

We bundled ourselves up, well, at least I did. I had a big thick sweater with a big thick winter coat and some warm gloves and headed out the door to explore, Africa, Australia, South America, and all the oceans and fresh lakes. Yep, we had quite an adventure this day.

At one point, I was holding out some nectar juice in a small cup so the birds would come to me and they started to swoop in landing on my head, shoulders, arms, and hands. I didn't like them on my head so much because all I could think about was the bird poop that I knew was going to squirt out of them any second. I tried to shake my head to scare them off, but they held on firmly. No, I don't have some nasty poop story to tell all of you and I know you are disappointed about that, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I finally exited that bird sanctuary. Yeah, no poop in my hair. I had already had globs of yogurt in my hair from this morning, so I definitely did not need poop too!

What was that? How did I get globs of yogurt in my hair? Well, I accidentally dropped it on the kitchen floor and it splattered everywhere--my hair, chest, chin, cabinets, and all over the floor. I'm a complete clutz (is that how you spell it?) always dropping something and making a mess. I tried to get all of the yogurt out of my hair but didn't succeed to well, and I didn't have time to start all over washing and styling my hair for the second time this morning. In some areas, it feels a little crusty but I'll get it out soon enough. It's in a ponytail now so no one knows the difference at this point, except for you of course.

Anyway, going back to the zoo, I had the chance to feed the giraffes, but one look at their long tongue coming out of those mouths, I passed on that one. Knowing my luck, they would try to eat the yogurt that was dried in my hair and then I would really have a story to tell all of you. :)

We are all back at home now and yes, it did work, Benjamin is in bed taking his very much needed nap. I think I'll do the same while the silence lasts! As you can tell, I'm not used to having children around....they are 24/7 noise makers. But, I do have to say for the most part, Benjamin has been very good as much as a 4-year old is expected to be.
posted by Gracey at Saturday, November 04, 2006 -
  • At 11/04/2006 11:46 AM, Blogger Reforming Baptist said…

    hey Grace,

    I'm taking off to Mexico City today...Thanks for your email yesterday! Well, Pray for us while we're gone. I'll try to log on the internet and pop in once in a while when I'm down there.

    Love ya,


  • At 11/05/2006 2:39 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    There is nothing more fun than a day at the zoo. I love zoos.

  • At 11/05/2006 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Grace has been a real good hostess this whole weekend! The best part of the weekend was the Chicken Diane that she made everyone for Saturday night dinner. She'll have to tell y'all about that next time!


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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
About Me: Welcom to my site! This is a place for me to write from day to day or sometimes from week to week. It just depends what is happening in my life. Please stay as long as you'd like and hope to hear from you soon as well!
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