Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday Memories - Highschool
At 5 a.m. I woke up right out of a bad dream that I had. I was back in highschool!!! Yikes!! The highschool part wasn't the bad part, but I had this bizarre dream that one of my all time favorite highschool teachers, Mr. Carey, dying of a heart attack right in front of me. I was so upset in my dream that I was sobbing and when I woke up there were tears running down my face. It seemed very real. I was wondering why in the world did I dream about Mr. Carey; I wasn't thinking about him or highschool at all last night. But I did write him a letter this past week just to see how he was doing, so maybe he was somewhere deep in my subconscious mind.

So, as I was working out this morning, I was thinking back to highschool and when I used to terrorize Mr. Carey. He always acted like he was really stern and mean, but in reality he was this great guy that had a fun sense of humor as long as you didn't terrorize him in the middle of his teaching. As some of you already know, I went to a small private school so you knew everyone very well and the teachers knew you too well. Right, Chelle???? :) You couldn't get away with too much, but I always managed to get away with some stuff. My best friend, Daisy and I, would need help with our Algebra after class (I'm a total dummy when it comes to any type of math), so we would go back to Mr. Carey's classroom when we were on a break so he could help us out some more. It was during those times we had so much fun cracking jokes and just having a good time with him. He would always look at us sternly (after he stopped chuckling) and would say, "You two are never going to get this if you don't stop fooling around and get serious."

Going a few years back before this time when I entered into junior high and I always heard stories from the older kids on how mean Mr. Carey was and I was dreading having to go into his 7th grade English class. I was terrified, shaking in my boots some might say. I was on my best behavior during that time, up until I reached highschool and then I had no fear of him.

He's still teaching at the private school I went to and I just laugh knowing one of the new kids is probably hearing all the stories about mean Mr. Carey and is probably going to wet his pants as soon as he steps into the classroom.

Now that it has been quite a few years since I have been out of highschool, I'm glad that I can smile at all the good memories that I was able to gather in my mind by some of my wonderful teachers. I'm also happy to be able to write him every now and then and let him know that he had a great influence on my life and that I turned out alright after all!
posted by Gracey at Monday, November 13, 2006 -
  • At 11/13/2006 3:49 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    I wish I had had some teachers like Mr. Carey when I was in high school. Most of mine were really awful.

  • At 11/14/2006 6:24 AM, Blogger Tink said…

    It sounds like Mr. Carey has the right idea! Make them fear you before they even get in your class. hehe

  • At 11/15/2006 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HI, Gracey,

    I know you wont even remember me as I was a year ahead of your brother in school, but I graduated from the private school, too, and I couldn't resist commenting that you are completely right on about Mr. Carey. He is an amazing teacher, and every student feared him in 7th grade andloved him by 9th. Anyway, my name is Kathleen and I graduated in 1994...sooo long ago. I stumbled on your blog and just wanted to say Hi!

    Take care!

  • At 11/17/2006 5:45 PM, Blogger Gracey said…

    MoJoKat: How great that you stumbled on my blog. Kathleen huh? You know I do remember a Kathleen that probably was around that graduating class of 1994. It's a vague remembrance but I bet it is you. Of course, I was this lowly 8th grader at the time...way too nerdy for any of the Seniors to pay attention
    Remember Miss Little??? She's a blogger too and her is "The Story of Me" if you didn't know. Leave any comments anytime. Always happy to see new readers!

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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
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