Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Things On My Mind.....
First of all, thanks to everyone yesterday for all of your encouraging words. I felt a bit depressed when I wrote that blog about my being socially inadequate, but you guys helped me through that slump through different comments as follows: (I will paraphrase)

1. I don't have to like coffee and I don't have to force myself to drink it when given to me. It's much easier to just ask for a glass of water! :)

2. It's okay to not always have the right, witty, or super intelligent thing to say all the time. Just be yourself and if they don't like you or don't want to talk to you anymore, who cares!

3. There is no need to be that "perfect" military wife. Don't run yourself ragged by trying to fit in.

Okay, I'm going to try to remind myself of everything you all said when this type of thing happens again. Thank you!


Update on my Psycho Cat Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The medication that the vet gave him makes him soooooo mellow!!! Last night (once the med was in his system for an hour) he jumped up on the couch, looked at me with those big blue eyes, and then just laid himself right on my lap!! This is astonishing thing for him to do....he hates being on anyone's lap. I can get used to this new kitty! Too bad the med is only for two weeks though. :)

He has only used the litter box as his place for relievement. Mission Accomplished!!

The only complaint I have is that he and the other cat will not step on the mat I bought that goes right by the litter box. Their little paws must be too delicate for it....pussies!!! :) I witnessed it last night. There goes Bugsy stepping around the mat and jumping into the litter box sideways....seriously, her body was twisted in a weird way....anything to avoid the mat I guess. Then she looked at me as if saying, "You can't pull a fast one on me and I'll track litter on your bathroom floor if I want to!" Then she looked at me once more to say, "Can I please have some privacy!!!!" Geez, I have a bunch of little princesses in my house and one is a male for goodness sakes.


I don't want to exercise today. I didn't go to the gym yesterday, so that means I need to get off my butt and sign off the blogger! But I don't want to!!! But you have to!!!! (Don't mind me...the two voices are taking over in my head.) "Oh why, hello, I'm 'I Want To Look Like Miss America' and" ...... (interruption)........ "Step aside, Miss Beauty Queen, I'm talking now. Hey, What's up? I'm 'Sit On Your Rump Watching Oprah All Day' and life is good when you just do that."......interruption......(Gracey in her right mind again) Alright, you two, stop bothering these nice people. Say, goodbye! In unison, "Goodbye"
posted by Gracey at Wednesday, December 13, 2006 -
  • At 12/13/2006 7:18 AM, Blogger MoJoKat said…

    Oh, BOY, do I know the Gym voices...ugh! I haven't gone in over a week. Last week it was procrastination, and just when I resolved to get back to it, I get struck down with a cold, and I really don't want to share it with all the other faithful Gymmers, so I haven't made it so far this week. Part of me is reveling in that fact and the other part is shamed. What can you do!

    I'm glad your kitty is doing better. Poor little guy. I am right there with ya on the Kid/Kitty issue!

    I'm also glad that you're feeling better about things this morning! It is easy to get lonely and down, but always remember that there is someone who is ALWAYS there with you and He really is the Best friend you'll ever have.

    Take care and Happy Wednesday!

  • At 12/13/2006 8:00 AM, Blogger Jay said…

    You have a couple of seriously high maintenance cats there. They are such prima donnas. But then all cats are really.

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has "friends" who argue over what I should do.

  • At 12/13/2006 10:37 AM, Blogger Gracey said…

    MoJoKat: I'm so glad you are back and getting over the cold. I haven't gotten my yearly one yet, and I keep crossing my fingers on that one.

    I did listen to "I Want To Be Miss America" voice today and I feel so much better. It's hard to get yourself going like that...Listen to your good gym voice once you are better. You won't be sorry! :)

    Jay: You are so right about my prima donnas. I think I made them even worse since I spoil them to death. Actually, Buttons is sitting on his bed and believe me, he does think it's his bed, looking all aristocrat....what have I created???? :)

  • At 12/13/2006 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    tee hee... glad to hear that I'm not the only one constantly arguing with myself!

    Good to hear your kitty is on the way to being better and snuggling with you to boot.

  • At 12/13/2006 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kell again--Blogger is really ticking me off.

    Every morning that I drive to the gym, I think, "I could turn around and go home. No one would know." But lately, I've had a hard time just getting to the gym; I've been so lazy. But my body is yelling at me to get back in a routine.

    Glad your kitty is doing better.

  • At 12/13/2006 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So, did the good "go to the gym" voice win?

    It sounds like you found out some pretty great stuff in the comments from your last post. Bloggers can really rock! :-)

    Your psycho cat is cracking me up...back when I had a cat she'd never step on that litter-catching thing outside of the litter box either....LOL

  • At 12/13/2006 6:02 PM, Blogger Gracey said…

    Susan: Yep, the voices seem to always come up when it's gym time! :)

    Kell: I haven't had a problem with blogger at's so weird that it only affects some people. Listen to your body not your mind (that is what I have to keep telling myself anyway)

    Lisa: I am proud to say that my good voice did win and I did an excellent workout. I have one psycho cat but both of them are prima donnas. :)

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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
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