Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Benadryl - The "Drugged" Up Drug
I have these horrible allergy attacks that hit me once in awhile. My eyes start watering, my throat gets scratchy, and then I have these sneezing fits that won't stop. They are usually brought on when I stick my whole face into my cat's fur. I know, I'm stupid for even doing that when I know what the consequences will probably be, but sometimes my cats are just so darn cute, I can't help myself but hug them and put my face in their fur and kiss them. Last night though I did not do that; I didn't even touch my cats and I still had this horrible attack. Sometimes they get so bad that my eyes swell up. My mom would remember when this would happen when I was a teenager. I looked like I got hit in the eyes by a baseball or something cuz they swelled up so much.

Anyway, I started having my sneezing fits and knew I had to take my 'ole handy dandy Benadryl to make it subside. Instead of taking the usual one that I do, I took two of them. Within minutes, I started feeling much better and was doing good until about an hour later, I was feeling so groggy and drugged, I barely could get my butt off the sofa and into bed. Unless any of you have taken medicine that makes you feel completely out of it, you won't know what I mean. Let's just say I haven't slept through a whole night like that in months. (You all know about my sleeping problems)

Of course, I suffered in the morning. I felt like crap when I got up at 7:30 a.m., the grogginess was still lurking but not as bad as last night. At that point of waking up, I had already slept 9 hours. As soon as Jeremy left for work, I was back in bed and slept until 10 a.m.!!!

I'm warning all of you, do not take two Benadryls unless you know for sure that you have nothing to do the next day and can sleep the day away. When I finally got up for the 2nd time, I felt like my old self again. I feel like I've wasted my whole day away. I have got to do the laundry and vacuum this house!
posted by Gracey at Wednesday, December 06, 2006 -
  • At 12/06/2006 11:27 AM, Blogger Jay said…

    I have terrible allergies too. And I have those same massive sneezing fits. I think I can sneeze like 10 times in a row sometimes.

    I've never taken 2 benadryl at once though. Usually I take one of those and then at bed time I take a hit of Nyquil! I love Nyquil. Anything that comes with it's own shot glass is going to be good!

  • At 12/07/2006 6:02 AM, Blogger Gracey said…

    Jay: Finally someone who knows my pain! As I speak, my eyes are very scratchy. It must be something in the air. I can't take Nyquil because I always gag on it. It tastes terrible; I don't know how you do it. But, you know it's powerful since it comes with its own shot glass. :)

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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
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