Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Just Thinking....
What does one do when the alarm clock is glowing 4:15 a.m. at you and you are wide awake? I hate when this happens because by the time I get tired again, it should be the time I need to wake up and start my day. What a bother!

Last night Jeremy and I watched a 9/11 documentary on the History Channel (maybe that is why I can't sleep) . I think it is important for people to be reminded of that disastrous day. It makes you grateful to be alive and to remember the many brave lives that were lost in those towers, the Pentagon, and in that Pennsylvania field. I have my own feelings on this war, part of me supports it and the other part doesn't. I want my husband safe; I don't want him being shipped off to Iraq to maybe losing his life to people who care nothing for the meaning of life. Bin Ladin said it pretty clear to a Pakistan journalist, "We love death. U.S. love life. There is a big difference between us both." I hate to see innocent people being killed, but it is what war is about. War is the result of people's selfishness, plain and simple. I don't like it but it is the harsh reality of life.

What the terrorists did to our country and to our people is something that cannot be forgotten. We should go after the ones that were behind it and the ones that silently financed it. They want us to go back with our tail between our legs, but we cannot back down to people that are such a threat to us and to this world. I want this war to be over. I want Iraq to be able to stand on its own two feet without our military supporting them. The news only shows the protests of some of the Iraqi people against the U.S.--the news is always one sided. You don't see the other side of the story and you don't hear the real stories from soldiers that come back from the war. You do not hear the kids laughing and running through the streets raising their little hands for the soldiers to give them candy. You do not see the Iraqi flag given to a soldier by one of those children's father in gratitude for the service that our men and women have done for them. You do not see the smiles of people that were once under bondage and oppression from their so called leader.

I want us to get out of this war more than anything but I'm not going to see only the negative things that have come out of it. There are always positives too, and to me if we helped a family become free from a dictator that killed his own people than I am going to look at my husband and his fellow soldiers and know that we were part of something that was good.

Once this war is over, don't think for one minute that it is our last. As long as there are terrorists out there, they will always be a threat. They are extreme and they love death. They do not care if they lose their lives as long as they take out as many lives as possible with them.

These are my thoughts and my opinions. I have a right to them and I don't apologize for what I believe in. I think I may get some nasty comments about this, so if anyone has anything nasty to say, keep it to yourself or write about it on your blog, but don't think about putting them on this one.

posted by Gracey at Tuesday, January 23, 2007 -
  • At 1/23/2007 6:29 AM, Blogger abcd said…

    Gracey, I feel for you. you love your husband so much and worry about his safety, but the country needs his kind contribution.
    I will keep this in my prayer.
    You're the wife of the Hero.

  • At 1/23/2007 6:49 AM, Blogger MoJoKat said…

    I couldn't agree with you more! I know it is scary to have loved ones going over. My ex was in the Marines and he was over ther for a year, when this all began. Thankfully he did make it home safely and I will always be greatful for his contribution to this war. God Bless all the soldiers who risk and give their lives for all the freedoms we take for granted.
    And God bless the wives that silently support them back home! You are not forgotten, either!

    Just trust that God will protect your husband and only lead him in the paths that He has planned for him!

    What heroes you both are!

  • At 1/23/2007 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I understand how you feel. We went through much of this 16 or so years ago when my ex was in Desert Storm. Here we are again, only things are worse this time.

    It's sad and scary what the Pakistani journalist wrote about them loving death. How are we supposed to deal with such fanaticism?

    I know how tough it is and how torn up you can feel inside. Your husband is doing a great and honorable thing by serving his country.

  • At 1/23/2007 7:32 AM, Blogger Jay said…

    I don't think you'll get any nasty comments. I think you did a good job of expressing your feelings about the war on a personal level.

    Everyone feels strongly about the war. Many good people strongly in favor and many good people strongly opposed. Both have good reasons and both make sense a lot of the time.

    There are extremists on both sides, but they aren't the majority, the media just paints things that way. Most people are in the middle. Total support for the troops, but questions as to the validity of the reasons for the war and how it has been conducted by the Civilian leadership.

  • At 1/23/2007 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can't help but think of what they say at beauty pagents...the wish for world peace. It doesn't seem to be more than a pipe dream, our world isn't too peaceful right now.

    Give Jeremy a hug for me for fighting our battles. And grab one for yourself. I grew up in a military family and know first hand how hard it is to have a loved one gone for so long.

    Thanks to you both.

  • At 1/24/2007 12:53 PM, Blogger Reforming Baptist said…

    you go girl! Not enough people in our country are staying angry at what happened six years ago. I'm still mad as .....you know. I wish that the President would let us drop some fat boys on Bagdad and bomb them into submission! That's what Islam means: Submission....so let's teach them about it!!

  • At 1/24/2007 8:49 PM, Blogger turquoise cro said…

    Hi Gracey! I saw you over at sweet Darlenes! I'm a prayer and I will certainly be praying for you and your husband starting tonight! My son was in the Army, he was at Ft. Jackson even(boot camp maybe, I can't remember, I'll have to ask him, my memory is horrible!), I think he went to Ft. Stewart from there, well, let's say he was supposed to, he almost went AWOL, I was calling every bus station coming to WV from Georgia, long story short, he ended up at Hunter Air Field, Savannah, Ga and was in Korea 9/11! I was soooo scared! He has been out of the Army now I think this year will make it 4! Yes, You feel the same way I do, I just wish the Iraq would step up more if that's what it will take for our boys to be coming back home but there's always some other war, is it Iran, is it Korea? Phew! Well, just wanted you to know there will be prayers said for your man, Jeremy(my son's middle name is Jeremy after my husband Jerry! lol)and you too dear girly! xo, Cinda

  • At 1/26/2007 11:36 PM, Blogger Angela Marie said…

    My son is in the Air Force.. and will be going to Iraq soon.

    The people in the United States Military are our heros and I am very, VERY proud of them all!

    And God Bless them and keep them safe.

  • At 1/28/2007 4:30 PM, Blogger Norma said…

    God bless your husband and all those who love him. I appreciate the sacrifices you both are making on our behalf and the Iraqi people.

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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
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