Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I've Been Tagged by Angela!!
Even though I did do a MeMe yesterday, I have been tagged to tell five interesting, weird, fun facts about myself. I'll try not to repeat myself since I know I was tagged by Jay earlier for something like this before.

1. When I have a good hair day, I like to chronicle it with a picture of myself. Yes, very weird, but it's not an everyday occurrence that I have a really good hair day. When my hair isn't doing what I want and I'm ready to chop it off, I look back to those pictures and remember how pretty it once was and how it will be like that again sometime! :)

2. I have this obsession with biting my nails. I've been doing it since I was 5-years old and I just can't seem to stop. I really bite them to nubs when I'm stressed, nervous, or anxious. It's a gross habit and one I try to stop all the time.

3. Lately I've been a total weirdo about my car. There is pollen all over the place and it all settles on my black car, and it is driving me absolutely bonkers! I'm always wiping my car down even though I know that in a matter of minutes pollen will be settling on it again and again no matter how much I wipe it off. My madness must stop!!

4. My husband always catches me by the mirror staring at my tummy. I have this thing about having to look at it a few times a day to see if it's getting bigger. No, I'm not pregnant; I just don't want to get chubby!

5. Last but not least, I don't have the heart to lock my kitties in the other room at bedtime, even though when I let them roam free through our apartment, they never fail to wake us up with their jumping off and on the bed all night. Jeremy is demanding we lock them up from now on and I don't blame him. I just like knowing that they are sleeping with's comforting in a way. Can you imagine how I'll be with my own children if I'm like this with my cats??? Oh Boy!

* I know I must sound like a major freak to you all but I never claimed to be normal! :)
posted by Gracey at Wednesday, March 21, 2007 -
  • At 3/21/2007 11:24 AM, Blogger MoJoKat said…

    I completely understand about the car. Both my truck and car are black and I've been doing the same thing, wiping them off constantly. I am trying to limit it to once a day...TRYING! Now, though I have to wash them since it rained yesterday, so now they're covered in droplet-prints...lovely!

    Oh...and normal is over-rated!

  • At 3/21/2007 1:01 PM, Blogger Tink said…

    I look at my stomach all the time too. Only I like to poke it and pull the skin together and make it "talk" to Hoop. So... Yeah.

    Who's the freak now? ;)

  • At 3/21/2007 1:38 PM, Blogger Jay said…

    Nothing wrong with being a freak!

    Personally, I would find it easier to lock kids up in a room (or closet) than cats or dogs. But, maybe that's just me. ;-)

  • At 3/21/2007 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's so fun reading about all of your little quirks.

    And just for the record, kids and cats...there's no comparison...and that's all I'm going to say. lol

  • At 3/21/2007 10:11 PM, Blogger turquoise cro said…

    I was thinking of that nasty pollen just today as I scrubbed my little front porch! Everytime I get my porches done in the Spring, all nicely washed down and looking so nice, there it comes! A yellowish-green pollen! UG! and I've bitten my nails too and now I don't have to, they just don't grow! or do I bite them when I'm sleeping! LOL Who knows for sure?!!!

  • At 3/22/2007 7:27 AM, Blogger Jay said…

    Hey .. where did you get that little music player? Nat King Cole and Bobby Darin? Excellent!

  • At 3/22/2007 2:18 PM, Blogger Angela Marie said…

    And why NOT take a picture of yourself on a good hair day! I call that smart!
    I get irritated with the pollen all over my car too!
    Uh... yes. Enjoy your flat tummy now while you have it! I would be looking at mine too! LOL!

    By the way! I think I will just sit here and listen to the tunes! LOVE IT! Thank YOU!

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Gracey's Space
Name: Gracey
Home: United States
About Me: Welcom to my site! This is a place for me to write from day to day or sometimes from week to week. It just depends what is happening in my life. Please stay as long as you'd like and hope to hear from you soon as well!
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