Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Catching Up With Y'all
It's been quite sometime since I've been on here to blog about what is going on in my life. It's been hectic to say the least. Some type of virus going around so Jeremy and I were both down in the dumps these past two weeks--first him and then me. The joys of marriage is that you get to share each other's germs and if one gets sick, the other is bound to get it later.

Jeremy received his orders and we will be moving again in two months time. I'm pretty excited to be going to Texas again. I thought I would never say that because I didn't enjoy San Antonio last time, but we will be going to another prettier area so I'm happy with that. I'm looking forward to buying another house and getting settled down especially since this time we should be there for three years. The military could do whatever they wanted and move us again, but hopefully we will get to stay the full term this time. I'm not looking forward to the actual moving part because I hate having all of our stuff packed up again (which means some type of damage done to our furniture, it never fails to happen) and then living in a hotel with two cats for a number of days, but that is just how it is so when it comes to doing it I'll make it fun somehow.

Since today is Valentine's Day and I hate crowds I decided to cook Jeremy a special dinner and we would have a romantic evening at home. I have to get this apartment sparkling clean and prepare some of the food ahead of time this morning so I'll be a busy bee today. We had agreed not to buy each other gifts because really we don't need anything and Valentine's is a big excuse to waste money. I know I'm such a party pooper, but all I need is a nice evening with him and that would make me happy. But I saw last night that he broke our rule and I saw him wrapping something. That brat! He said that it wasn't expensive and it's something that he knows I would want so he couldn't help himself. I guess my gift to him will be the special dinner and I bought candles and some flowers to be the centerpiece of the table. He loves chocolate and if he could he would eat only dessert for dinner so I went to this gourmet bakery and bought an assortment of desserts so we could sample a bunch of stuff. It should be very good! I'm looking forward to that too. I just hope my Italian Wedding Pasta dinner turns out good. I have never tried this recipe before but it sure does sound good. I'll cross my fingers and say a little prayer that it turns out delicious.

Hope all of you are doing well. I will be going on a little vacation starting Saturday by myself for a week while Jeremy is doing land navigation and survival training in the cold woods in the middle of nowhere. I feel for him but it's not stopping me from having fun! :) I'm going to drive down to FL to see my aunt and some friends. It's going to be a good time so you probably won't see me at all. I do apologize and will catch up again when I return.

There is another update in regards to Melanie. She has had a downward turn last night. She has pneumonia and a collapsed lung. It looks like she will be in the ICU longer than expected. The doctor doesn't see it as life threatening at this time and they will be pumping her with antibiotics to get rid of this infection. Keep praying for her please! She was doing so well and saying the funniest things, but it seems there are always ups and downs and threat of infections in these type of situations. Thanks so much for keeping her in your prayers! J.T., her husband, was one of my best buds in highschool and it's very hard to see him go through this. I know he feels hopeless seeing his beautiful wife lying there, but He is trusting in God every step of the way and I'm very proud of how brave he is being.

I'll talk with you all later! Happy Valentine's Day! What are you all doing for it?
posted by Gracey at Wednesday, February 14, 2007 -
  • At 2/14/2007 7:04 AM, Blogger Jay said…

    Back to Texas huh? Well that's much better than what it could have been. There are lots of Army bases in lots of crummy places so Texas is a good deal. LOL

    Have a happy valentines day.

  • At 2/14/2007 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Texas,huh? That's big news. It's good that you are excited about it.

    Have a wonderful evening with Jeremy, I'm sure your dinner will be fabo.

  • At 2/14/2007 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Gracey- I hope the two of you are over your bug soon! Your Valentine's dinner sounds delicious to me.

    I'm glad you know where you are going next- that makes it easier.

    Enjoy your trip to sunny Florida next weeek- I'm jealous!

  • At 2/15/2007 7:07 AM, Blogger Angela Marie said…

    Hey Sweetie~

    It is good that you are being optimistic about your move.. You didn't like San Antonio, Texas? I was there for My Son's Basic Training Graduation and I loved it! We found so much to do there. I would love to go back there to have more time to check more out!!

    I hope you are feeling better and enjoy your visit with your family!


  • At 2/15/2007 12:59 PM, Blogger turquoise cro said…

    Might have to try and get that receipe oH! How do you spell that? I always get it wrong!LOL for the Italian Wedding Pasta???!!! Sounds sooo yummy! Will keep Melanie in my prayers too! xo

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Gracey's Space
Name: Gracey
Home: United States
About Me: Welcom to my site! This is a place for me to write from day to day or sometimes from week to week. It just depends what is happening in my life. Please stay as long as you'd like and hope to hear from you soon as well!
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