Friday, September 15, 2006
An Ear Emergency!
Well, I woke up very early this morning (2 a.m. precisely) with this horrible throbbing pain in my ear. I couldn't seem to be able to lay on my left side without my ear throbbing. From the outside, my ear looked just redness or swelling. I couldn't figure out what was wrong especially since I don't think I've ever had and ear infection in my whole life. I went on my trusted internet to and diagnosed myself. I guessed that I had otitis externa, which is commonly known as Swimmer's Ear, but I haven't taken any baths or submerged myself in a pool lately! Of course, when you need to get in to see a doctor, you never can, so I had no choice but to go into the emergency department. It's pretty embarrassing to go into that department when you look just fine but you have to say that your ear hurts. The doctor on call there was very nice and looked through her otoscope to look inside my ear. And sure enough.....I was right I did have otitis externa, my ear canal was badly swollen. She said that it could just be one of those things where bacteria got stuck deep in there and by using a Q-tip I probably made things worse. Now I'm paying the consequences for trying to keep my ears clean; you just can't win! Anyway, I'm much better now because she sent me home with antibiotics and IBprofen to ease the throbbing and pain. I love to try to diagnose myself and I was quite proud that I guessed correctly....I should have gone to medical school! :)
posted by Gracey at Friday, September 15, 2006 -
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Name: Gracey
Home: United States
About Me: Welcom to my site! This is a place for me to write from day to day or sometimes from week to week. It just depends what is happening in my life. Please stay as long as you'd like and hope to hear from you soon as well!
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