Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Childhood Memories

It seems just like yesterday that I was that little girl playing on the beach, but at the same time it seems like a lifetime ago. Life is going by way too fast and you don't notice it until you are an adult. I was thinking about times when I was a kid and it's true, I don't remember a lot of the trips that my parents remember taking. I don't know why I don't remember some of the things that everyone else remembers, but for some reason I don't. But one thing that I remember and it's only a short glimpse of memory, but I can still see it. I believe I was in kindergarten; it was a school day but this time my dad was home from work. He told us that we were going to have a skip day from school and we were going to have fun as a family. You know, I don't even remember what we did that day, but I do remember thinking, "Wow, what a cool dad I have. He's letting us skip school for a day." I do not remember many things from when I was little, but that one glimpse into memory lane stands like a still picture in my mind. I see my dad packing the car (maybe we went to the ocean that day), and I see me and my brother standing next to my dad with smiles on our faces because we didn't have to go to school that day.

Another vivid memory I have was having to do yard work on Saturdays. Now, at that time, it wasn't a fun or happy thing to have to do. All of our friends in the neighborhood were playing outside while me and my brother had to pick weeds or help my dad wash the cars. I remember thinking at that time, "My dad is so mean. He never lets us have fun." What a difference of thinking from my first to memory to this one. The only thing is, I'm glad now my dad made us help him work in the yard. He taught us how to take responsibility for things, and when we did do something, it better be done right the first time. He taught us that life isn't always going to be fun and there are times when you don't like to do something, but it is just what has to be done. My parents never spoiled us; they loved us but they didn't spoil us, and sometimes I see parents that don't give their children any responsibilities. I think how sad for those children; they will have a pretty hard life as an adult. Have you ever watched or seen that reality show "Sweet Sixteen"? It's amazing to see these sixteen year olds getting everything they want but not having to work for anything. Their parents buy them designer clothes, expensive cars, and throw them double digit birthday parties. What is that teaching our young people? I've heard from reports since shows like these have come out that regular teens coming from middle class families are demanding from their parents what they see these rich kids getting. I heard one girl say that she deserved to have everything that they have. I can't say how grateful I am to my mom and dad that they taught us the value of a dollar. If we wanted something that was expensive and we really didn't need it, then we had better save our money or maybe we'd get it for a christmas or birthday gift. I just have one thing to say, "Thank you, mom and dad, for teaching us kids about having character, integrity, and teaching us that life isn't always easy." I'm glad that I didn't live in a "fairy tale" childhood because there are valuable lessons that need to be taught to children, so life isn't as hard as an adult.

posted by Gracey at Tuesday, September 26, 2006 -
  • At 10/02/2006 12:52 PM, Blogger Reforming Baptist said…

    Yeah, I remember that day we played hookie from school with dad. I was so suprised also. I remember it vividly, we went to Santa Cruz beach, I remember seeing a dead sea lion on the beach there too. (it was gross so i thought it was soo cool) I could probably take you back to the exact spot where we set out our beach towels and we were playing in the sand.

    Yep, dad and mom didn't spoil us, remember our fist Nintendo? Uncle Mike gave it to us because he upgraded to a Sega Genesis. It was already five years old and we only had two games. Dad only let us play with it for 30 minutes, and then he put it away.

    And How can i forget about all that yard work. I had it worse than you though! I had to sift dirt out of rocks, clean the dog poop, cut the grass and trim it with a hand held edger, pull weeds, help dad cut fire wood, help dad build stuff that never seemed to end. But now, I look back, and I'm glad for it all. :)

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Name: Gracey
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