Letter To Jesus |
Dear Jesus,
Wow, how do I even start. Since you are God, you already know what I'm thinking but I still have a hard time forming the right words. Writing is easier for me, so I decided to write You. I've searched for years wanting to know how to knowYou. I always heard of the Christians that have that personal relationship with God. It took years even after going to a Christian college to find out exactly what it meant. It's not about the rules and regulations that some think it is about. Actually, I believe You were the one who condemned the Pharisees for their fakeness and hiding their sinful ways behind their religious robes. And sometimes I catch myself being just like them at times, and You reveal it to me, and I become utterly ashamed of myself.
Yet in all your goodness, You forgive me and restore me back to that sweet relationship we had before when I could come before You in all humility. May the words I say and the things I do let my life show that You are truly walking with me. I hope that I can make You smile, Jesus.
It's politically incorrect to say that You are the only way to heaven, yet it's the truth, plain and simple. Why are those words so offensive? Why do You offend people? I find nothing offensive about You because You want me to know and love You. You aren't full of rules and regulations. You do not want to oppress me; You want to FREE me! You have freed me. You are with me every step of the way in life. Thank You! What a wonderful assurance that I know You have everything under control even if this world is falling apart. I don't understand a lot of Your ways or why You let things happen, but I have the faith You have instructed us to have in You.
Looking back on my past mistakes, You never left me. You may have been a bit behind me but that was only because I pushed You away so many times. You kept knocking on the door of my heart and I kept shutting it. Until that one fateful day, I could no longer shut You out anymore. I had to answer that knock. Thank you for not giving up on me and thank you for bringing people in my life those years I was running but searching.
You are indeed the God of love and thank you for always listening when I need to talk with You. Thank you for giving me the peace when I am worried and scared of the future. Please keep my feet in the right path, the path that always leads to You, and if they do go off course, please bring something or someone to help me get back on course. For I am indeed only human and have many faults, but in my weakness, You can make me strong.
Love Always,
Grace |
Name: Gracey
Home: United States
About Me: Welcom to my site! This is a place for me to write from day to day or sometimes from week to week. It just depends what is happening in my life. Please stay as long as you'd like and hope to hear from you soon as well!
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